Discover Midas

Discover Midas

What is MIDAS? 

MIDAS, which stands for Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scales, is an aptitude assessment tool created by Dr Branton Shearer, Ph.D., Professor of Education at Harvard University, which proposes eight different smarts, or learning styles. Each smart that a kids scores highly on in the MIDAS assessment, represents an area of intelligence, or learning preference, they naturally gravitate towards.

How do you use MIDAS in your Star programmes? 

We build personalised ‘smarts profiles’ for each kid utilising the MIDAS tool. Our MIDAS-certified consultants will provide advice and guidance on how to interpret your kid’s profile and what you can do to maximise their learning benefits. Based on their profiles, your kids can be matched with the Star Programmes that would optimise and embrace their learning styles.

GET MIDAS™ PROFILE NOW and discover your kid's unique learning style.